I ran the circus for the last time tonite. Ah, yes, the traditional hall and floor meetings of the semester took place tonite. Followed by farkle and LaBamba's. Overall, a good night. However, it never ceases to amaze me how many times I have to say the word 'shutup' before people actually shut up. You know what though, it's alright. We got through it all again without too many major headaches, so I can't complain too much. LaBamba's is such a good way to end the night too...
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
I think Phil and Waffle were keeping a tab of that. I think they reported 26 times I had to say it over the span of the meeting...
You could try the Girl Scout quiet sign instead. Tell the young men [after you've gotten them to shut up] that when you put your hand in the air, they are to do the same, while at the same time closing their mouths. Pretty soon, the whole bunch has their hands in the air and have shutted up.
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