I haven't posted in a week because it's been a really long and busy week. We had 'Dude Week' in Morris, which went well. Monday night the Penthouse won the Morris Olympics (I finished 2nd overall in washer throwing). Tuesday night Taylor won it's basketball game against Grace in possibly the most exciting game I've ever watched here. Tuesday night late, Milford Middleschool (our C League intramural team) won it's first game 40-14 in what is probably the largest margin of victory ever. I scored 4 points. Our jerseys are still scandalously tight. Wednesday night mom and dad came down to take Tracy and I out to eat for Tracy's birthday. Later that night the Penthouse went roller skating with our sister floor. It was a lot of fun. What's more fun than watching 30 college guys in roller skates? Wednesday night I was up till 4am coughing. Thursday night we had pancakes at 11 and decorated for our big valentine's extravaganza. Thursday night I laid in bed from 12 to 6am coughing. from 6am to 5pm I sat on my couch falling in and out of sleep every 20 minutes. I caught a major league cold of some kind that gave me a headache, the chills, sweats, cough, runny nose, and a fever than, when I finally went to the health center that evening was at 103. Sweet action. So I spent a good portion of Friday night in the health center trying to break the fever. The weekend was spent alright because of the high amount of drugs that were constantly in my system. Saturday was men's conference. It was good. Not great, but good. Nothing new and challenging, but a solid reminder to the men on campus. Sunday I ran to Ball St. Library for a few hours of research only to come back with a 5oo page sociological study that was done 50 years ago. exciting? I think not. Ok, so that's the week that has past.
Today was Valentine's day. This is usually one of those days where I go out of my way to be as mean spirited and cynical as possible to people, especially those people who are exactly the opposite. Today, however, it was a pleasant surprise to find myself in a odd and sort of positive mood. So much so that, when I found out one of my afternoon classes was cancelled, I ran out to the store to buy a few people some valentine's candy and made them cheesy valentine's cd's and anti-consumerist valentine's cards. (note, if you take a plain 'thank you' card and cross that out and write 'happy valentine's day' on it and then whatever you want in the inside, you've just saved yourself $4.50 since you're not buying one of those stupid valentine's cards that the hallmark company made this holiday up for in the first place...(that's right! stick it to the corporate 'man')). So, Tracy, Darla, and Amy, I hope you enjoyed my cheesy little valentine's.
This evening I went to the ceramics room and I made myself a pinch-pot. We made one in class on thursday, but I decided it was kinda fun, so I went in and made another one. The one I made in class Thursday was pretty plain because I am not creative at all ( I just put a few lines down 2 sides). The teacher came around and told me it was really beautiful and that 'less tells so much more sometimes'. I have no idea what that means but she seemed to love it. One of the other people in class informed me that I'm gonna be the class idiot who the teacher thinks is a genius because I'm too dumb to let her know any different. This is probably the truth...
Later on this evening Phil, Noah, Haller, Cervone, and I went to La Bamba's. The new one actually, which was a nice change. It's cleaner than the old one, probably because it's not in the middle of Ball St.'s campus. The food was still good. It's definitely fun to reminisce with a bunch of other senior guys from the floor. We don't do that enough.
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
What!!! There is a new La Bamba's!!!
Yes, yes there is. Next time you come and visit, we can try it out. It's pretty much the exact same thing as the old one, just a little smaller and a lot cleaner, and no puking, drunk Ball St. students....
I like baseball alright, but my son's blog is sometimes more than I care to know. YOUR blog, however, gives me the real [?] story on what's happening on Penthouse. Well, at least, as much as I can handle. Thanks, Yoder, for the entertaining updates!
if it's so nice to do things with a bunch of seniors then why did we have to twist your arm for you to come????
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