So, i've waited too long to do justice to each date and get-together justice as I have in the previous ones... So, here's the overview.
The date at our apartment went spectacular. She and her roommate we me and my roommate's dates for the day. We went to Noblesville and cut down a christmas tree (she held onto my arm there). We brought it back and set it up. Then we made citrus pasta (it went over well. I didn't eat too much, but enough not to get noticed). Then we turned on the christmas music and decorated the apartment. (decorating a christmas tree with a date... really good). We watched 'Love Actually' (she liked it. That was good. We sat by each other, but there was quite a bit of space between us). All in all, the date was spectacular. She seemed so much more comfortable with me and the time was really enjoyable. Phil was an excellent friend cause he made sure that the whole day went well for me. Good friend, good friend.
There have been several other things that have gone on. That next monday was Penthouse Christmas openhouse, which we went to see, and I went over to see her, then she came over to let me walk her through the openhouse. Then afterwards I walked her back to her dorm in the snow. Again, just something that made me feel like she was getting more comfortable with me. Then that thursday night I was driving home (cause friday i had off and my parents and i were going to chicago). Well, it was actually sort of like a blizzard outside, but i decided to drive to taylor to see her and then drive the rest of the way home the next morning. It was a pretty dumb decision to get on the roads, but when i got together with her it was totally worth it. Then sunday on my way back to indy from chicago i stopped by again for coffee. This weekend we had a wedding to go to (Disko and Joy). It was in a northern suburb of chicago. Actually, it was only an hour away from where she lives. I drove up saturday morning to take her out to breakfast. She introduced me to her parents. That went really well cause at least now they can put a face with a name and i feel like that gives them only a little less reason that their daughter is dating some strange crazy person. Finally, I will be going up there to visit her for New Years. I'm looking pretty foreward to that, but at the same time i'm a little anxious about it. Phil and Noah were talking to me this weekend and got me thinking pretty deeply about some stuff and I'm not sure how Im' gonna take that on. Oh, and I forgot to say that I got her a Christmas present! Yeah! a big 3 picture frame from pottery barn and i put 3 pictures from the weekend she was down helping decorate for christmas. I hope she gets it before christmas.
So, yeah, there's been alot. Things have been progressing pretty steadily. I love talking to her and I love thinking about her. I got to the point today where it was hard to not pick up the phone and call her just to talk about nothing. I'll expound on all these thoughts and feelings later (im heading home tomorrow night for a 5 day weekend).
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
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