So, today's the last day of work before a holiday. I'm all packed and ready to head home right after work, so it's obviously going to be an agonizingly long day because of what there is to look foreword to. Mom sends an email to me telling me that she's just got to be a mom and ask me if there's any way I can leave work early to head home cause it's begun to snow pretty hard in the north and half her office showed up late because of accidents on the roads. I'm obviously rolling my eyes because there's no way IM asking to leave early. However, I promise her I will at least ask. So, I walk into Marvin's office and chuckle a bit and ask him if there's any way I could leave right at 430 with the employees (I usually leave around 5) to make my mom happy because of this situation. Marvin decides he's gonna get paranoid about it too, so he's not gonna let me stay any later than 330 this afternoon so that I'm not in heavy traffic with the bad weather too. Wow, it's nice to know that everyone thinks i'm 16 years old again, but hey, im not complaining cause it's an hour and a half of work time that's not gonna be spent working and it's also saving me sitting in traffic for an hour or so more than I normally would. BONUS.
Things to post about that I know I am overdue on, but it will happen this weekend:
1: My 2nd Date
2: My upcoming 3rd Date.... (BOOYEAH!)
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
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