Monday, December 15, 2008

With Honors

The final for our Spiritual Formation class was a 10 page paper on the 1994 film, With Honors. Cheesy on the surface. Less cheesy a few layers below. So, in the spirit of an 11 day span between the return from Thanksgiving break to the beginning of Christmas break that was overrun by student issues and getting owned by the cold my dad passed onto me at Thanksgiving, I pulled the last all-niter of 2008 last Monday writing this thing. I think it could have made for a cheesy movie of it's own. Mondays are always full of meetings for me, but this one had the first meetings starting at 11am and they went back to back from then until 10:45pm. At which point, of course, I gave Kyle a call and headed to The Sunshine Cafe with laptops and good intentions of getting to work in tote. The whole reason we went was because Kyle was cashing in on a deal we made for him to sit in my apartment that smelled like rotten eggs, but that's another story for another time. When we arrived at the diner the first problem we encountered was a lack of electrical outlets. Welp, guess we're not writing the whole paper here cause our computer batteries wont last that long. The second problem arrived with Missy showing up to give us some cookies. What ensued was about an hour and a half of more GREAT conversation about whatever. The third problem reared it's ugly head when she left and we realized that neither of us wanted to write this thing. So, after filling up on crappy, greasy diner food, we gave it our best effort for about an hour and then headed home around 2:15am. Class starts at 9am, so what better thing to do then call up friends at the post and work there? And, believe it or not, we did. Emily, Rody, and Sara were already at work. Kyle and I joined and got right down to business. The three girls finished and went to sleep. Kyle and I stayed up and completed Kyle's first legitimate all-niter for academic reasons (BOOYEAH!). We finished up at 7:30am with enough time to run home for a shower and change of clothes. Good friends. Good memories.

Overall, I didn't think this movie was terribly worthy of such in-depth critique. However, there was a great excerpt from Whitman.
‘You shall no longer take things at second or third hand nor look through the eyes of the dead nor feed on the specters in books. You shall not look through my eyes either nor take things from me. You shall listen to all sides and filter them from yourself.’
–Walt Whitman Song of Myself

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