As of 10am Saturday morning my research proposal was accepted unanimously by the department. BOOYEAH! It's now moved on to be submitted to Taylor's I.R.B. for approval. I'm hoping for notification within a week.
Though parting ways with friends after college is difficult, it makes the time with these people later in life seem so good and so beneficial. Time with Phil was very good. Sushi and a new entry into the journal, of course. We met Michelle for lunch and it was fun to ask her questions and see how the two of them share the same space. I think there's something necessary about having someone in your life periodically who knows you outside of your current context and circumstance. Maybe it's the ability to step away from an expected role one plays too often, or maybe it's the weight of time that such a person's inquiry carries with it. Ultimately, I think it's simply the sincerity and depth of a friendship that persists in the face of seperate lives and different spaces. There's comfort and refuge to be taken in these relationships. Thank you Phil for a breath of fresh air.
Yesterday I turned in the last big assignment I have academically for the semester until the last week of class. Though a front loaded semester made for a hecktic last 3 weeks, especially, I'm looking forward to a schedule that I can fill up with one-on-one meetings with students. Coffee anyone?
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago