So I could have been an assistant baseball coach for one of the middle schools in the area. If only they didn't practice till after I got done with work.... That was another potential life goal checked off the list right there. Guess it's gonna have to wait.
Tracy's in india (that's almost the name of a Dido song). J-term lighthouse trip. I get the email updates and stuff and I can't help but get pretty excited for her. I think about how things went for me when I was in Czech over that month a couple years ago. She's already been gone a week, but im sure she feels like the trip's lasted forever and a day. Time lasts forever it seems in situations like that. Good for her. I pray God's opened her up to something totally 'other-worldly'.
Shorb sent me his finished Hymns album this week. It was beautiful. He's been working on it for the past 2 years or so and I remember asking to listen to some of the stuff at various times in the past 2 years and he never let me. I'm glad he didn't cause it was so beautiful to listen to. I got a tear in my eye, which is really lame, but between the culmination of such a personal project and the worshipful feel of the whole thing, I just found myself sincerely moved.
Phil and I spent our first weekend together doing nothing and going nowhere since the beginning of November. WOW! what a welcomed event. It was so good to kick back and relax around the apartment and do absolutely nothing of consequence. I've vowed to not travel anywhere other than Upland or Warsaw until late March. So, if you wanna hang out with us, you've gotta come see us. And you should.
My dad loves Blue Like Jazz. I've talked to him already on a handful of things. That book is great, and what makes it more great is that I can talk to a guy or a girl, a peer or a parent and there's always beneficial and worthwhile conversation and insight to come from such exchanges. Props to you Donald Miller.
I signed up for a gym membership last weekend finally. It's felt wonderful to lift again. This is not to say that i'm some buff tool that you would think belongs in a gym getting 'big'. But I dont care, cause it just feels good to work out and break a sweat and feel even remotely healthy again. The feeling good part was a lie sunday morning after the first day though, on account of me having to litterally roll off of my bed and onto the floor and try to pick myself up by the recliner. So sore. The moral of the story is this.... don't make fun of the fat kid for going to the gym even though he doesn't belong with everyone else there. Be glad he's not going to die of a heart attack in 5 years.
So, i dont know if i've written on this thing about this girl that i've been hanging out with for the past 2 months and have just recently decided i could call her my girlfriend.... yeah, im crazy about her. Yes, as im sure is the duty of all people who are 2 weeks into a new relationship, I am saying it now... I like her alot and I'm totally enthralled and amazed and intoxicated by her. I get to call her every night and I can run up to taylor any weekend i want to and see her. I can take her out on dates and go overboard on her. I can say cheesy things to her and everything. If the giddy honeymoon stage of all relationships lasted longer than the first few weeks and month, there would be far fewer breakups in the world. So, yes, I know this euphoria is not something to expect for too terribly long, but man... I'll take it for as much as I can get it for right now. And to top it off, I'm not really a 'euphoria' kind of dater... I'll look foreward to the quiet, serious, contemplative times more than this. Crazy. She's definatley got me. Amazing.
It's been around the 40 degree mark and higher for the better part of last week and this week. It's the middle of january folks... I'm counting my blessings, because even though it's not gonna last and winter will overwhelm us eventually, no doubt.... every day int he 40's is another day that's not in the negative 10's. Just get me to the spring time baby.
We are aproximately 6 weeks from pitchers and catchers reporting to spring training... which means baseball is on the horizon, and just as importantly, fantasy baseball is really on the horizon. I'm in the process of putting together my best attempt at a solid, competative, 10 man 5x5 league. If you think you're the person for one of those slots, let me know and start doing your homework. I know I plan to start in 2 weeks and I'm going more hardcore than ever since i dont have class to distract me. BOOYEAH! PS: I noticed that cubs tickets go on sale feb. 24th... gonna be hard to talk myself out of buying a bunch right off the bat.
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
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