Im sitting in the basement of my parents home in Warsaw typing. It took me driving 4 hours to northern illinois, a big italian meal, a great evening with angela, ringing in the new year (no kisses for me, dont forget im a huge chicken), playing games, watching movies, chickening out on having the talk that night, waking up the next day, going to church, eating lunch and finally giving myself a stern talking to about how there was absolutely no way i could live with myself if I left Zion without finally having the talk before i worked up the courage to ask her to take a walk with me before i left for me to officially start a new relationship. More amazing than that... she seemed like she'd been waiting for me to bring it up. So, that's the big new years news for me. There obviously a ton swimming around in my head right now and im sure clarifying and enunciating all of that will come in the following days and weeks, but for right now the euphoria is just too intense for me to really do justice to my thoughts and to my excitement level right now. She's my girlfriend. wow, there it is. what else needs to be said? (actually, much much more, but not tonite)
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
Atta boy. I'm not telling you who this is because it would taint your perspective of my "solid" and "insightful" advice. Rest assured, I have had outrageous amounts of experience with your species of Over-Angsty Taylor Boy and have finally found the rare exception to the TU rule who loves me for me, and not the hyped-up thrill of the elusive Coffee Date. Yahoo for me. And Yahoo for you to finally have some huevos.
ever since you got a girlfriend you never have time to post on this thing anymore...bahumbug!
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