This weekend has been pretty enjoyable. 4 Taylor people have moved down to the Indy area, and so we've gotten to hang out with them quite a bit in the last 2 weeks. Chad and Bates live on the east side of town. Becca and Abby live in the center of town. Friday was Becca's birthday so, Phil and I made plans to take her out. It was a fun night. We got all dressed up and drove down to pick up the girls and then met Chad down at the Spaghetti Factory, where we ate dinner. After dinner we went to the Slippery Noodle, which is a sweet jazz club. It was good company and conversation. We didn't let Becca pay for anything, which was fun to do cause we didn't tell her we were gonna do that, and it's not a situation where either of us were obligated to do that either. So, we enjoyed it. There's just something about making a girl feel like she's special that just does it for me from time to time. I mean, I guess that's a little wierd to say, but I can say it like that cause I dont have a girlfriend, and haven't for a while, and the way things are going, that's not changing any time soon either. So, with that as the perspective the statement is coming from, it's nice to have the random chance to do that for someone. Anyone else wanna let me make them feel special???
Yesterday, Phil's family came over from Cincinnati to watch a big airshow in town. We planned to unveil our Citrus Pasta for them that night, so when they left, I went to the store and got everything. They came home around 7 and Phil & I went to work on our culinary skills. The evening was wonderful and enjoyable. The pasta came out just as good as when we'd previously done it. You can't go wrong with Jazz music, candle light, and fabulous conversation. The Daubenmire family is one of the more charming families I've had the privilege to get to know. His dad is a thought-provoking individual who's calm, even tone is thoroughly engaging to me. I recall our conversation in Cincy earlier in July at the coffee shoppe (I still have to write about that trip and that coffee shoppe), as well as his story last night and am convinced that there are many of life's truths to glean from this man simply by sitting and listening. Phil's mom has a love for people that transcends time, age, geography, or circumstance. You could brush past that comment without consequence unless you have been around me enough to know what my definition of love in the context of friendship involves and invokes. The lucky individuals who find her involved in their lives on a daily or weekly level must truly count themselves blessed that God would include in their lives someone who embodies such a wholly rounded perspective on friendship and love. Phil's brother, Stu, is a sweetheart and I think he gets that honestly from his older brother. It's evident to me, simply by watching their interactions, that Stu looks up to Phil. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful... Phil is one of my life's biggest sweethearts, and to see Stu so interested in following his brother's example as far as demeanor and personality, is a good thing in my book. Stu's girlfriend Abby (who seems adorable) came along. They've been dating for 3 years or so, which reminded me overhearing conversation in Cincy that they'd decided they were going to break up before they go to college.... I hope an opportunity presents itself to me for the chance to maybe throw my two unwanted sense in on that one... Or maybe I'll write it all out for Phil to say to him. It would probably mean more coming from Phil anyway. Phil's little sister Elizabeth makes me smile. Throughout both visits, there were multiple times when I wanted to laugh out loud, but refrained from doing so cause I think it was funny, simply because I'm not a member of the family, just kind of watching from the outside. She's in middleschool and I don't know if it's the age, or the gender, or what, but she has many many little idiosyncrasies about her. She's not very talkative at all, but I am always very aware of her presence in very comical ways. For as much flack as she catches from absolutely everyone else in the family, I'm impressed at the way she responds to it, with an eye roll or body language that communicates her messages without words. She makes me laugh internally. The only one not present yesterday was Kevin, who has just left to begin college at Dayton. From time around him in Cincy, I get the feeling that college will be a good fit for him. I hope that he finds a good circle of friends, cause he seems to be one who will offer much to other guys. He seems very straighforeward and clear-cut, with no non-sense. People will appreciate that at school. He also seems to be a bit of an adventurous spirit, which always serves people well during college. I wish I'd gone in with one instead of spending four years developing one. So, all in all, the group of them is wonderful to be around and I enjoy them thoroughly. I'll look foreword to the next trip to Cincinnati.
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
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