Sunday, August 28, 2005

Becca's birthday & the Daubenmire family

This weekend has been pretty enjoyable. 4 Taylor people have moved down to the Indy area, and so we've gotten to hang out with them quite a bit in the last 2 weeks. Chad and Bates live on the east side of town. Becca and Abby live in the center of town. Friday was Becca's birthday so, Phil and I made plans to take her out. It was a fun night. We got all dressed up and drove down to pick up the girls and then met Chad down at the Spaghetti Factory, where we ate dinner. After dinner we went to the Slippery Noodle, which is a sweet jazz club. It was good company and conversation. We didn't let Becca pay for anything, which was fun to do cause we didn't tell her we were gonna do that, and it's not a situation where either of us were obligated to do that either. So, we enjoyed it. There's just something about making a girl feel like she's special that just does it for me from time to time. I mean, I guess that's a little wierd to say, but I can say it like that cause I dont have a girlfriend, and haven't for a while, and the way things are going, that's not changing any time soon either. So, with that as the perspective the statement is coming from, it's nice to have the random chance to do that for someone. Anyone else wanna let me make them feel special???

Yesterday, Phil's family came over from Cincinnati to watch a big airshow in town. We planned to unveil our Citrus Pasta for them that night, so when they left, I went to the store and got everything. They came home around 7 and Phil & I went to work on our culinary skills. The evening was wonderful and enjoyable. The pasta came out just as good as when we'd previously done it. You can't go wrong with Jazz music, candle light, and fabulous conversation. The Daubenmire family is one of the more charming families I've had the privilege to get to know. His dad is a thought-provoking individual who's calm, even tone is thoroughly engaging to me. I recall our conversation in Cincy earlier in July at the coffee shoppe (I still have to write about that trip and that coffee shoppe), as well as his story last night and am convinced that there are many of life's truths to glean from this man simply by sitting and listening. Phil's mom has a love for people that transcends time, age, geography, or circumstance. You could brush past that comment without consequence unless you have been around me enough to know what my definition of love in the context of friendship involves and invokes. The lucky individuals who find her involved in their lives on a daily or weekly level must truly count themselves blessed that God would include in their lives someone who embodies such a wholly rounded perspective on friendship and love. Phil's brother, Stu, is a sweetheart and I think he gets that honestly from his older brother. It's evident to me, simply by watching their interactions, that Stu looks up to Phil. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful... Phil is one of my life's biggest sweethearts, and to see Stu so interested in following his brother's example as far as demeanor and personality, is a good thing in my book. Stu's girlfriend Abby (who seems adorable) came along. They've been dating for 3 years or so, which reminded me overhearing conversation in Cincy that they'd decided they were going to break up before they go to college.... I hope an opportunity presents itself to me for the chance to maybe throw my two unwanted sense in on that one... Or maybe I'll write it all out for Phil to say to him. It would probably mean more coming from Phil anyway. Phil's little sister Elizabeth makes me smile. Throughout both visits, there were multiple times when I wanted to laugh out loud, but refrained from doing so cause I think it was funny, simply because I'm not a member of the family, just kind of watching from the outside. She's in middleschool and I don't know if it's the age, or the gender, or what, but she has many many little idiosyncrasies about her. She's not very talkative at all, but I am always very aware of her presence in very comical ways. For as much flack as she catches from absolutely everyone else in the family, I'm impressed at the way she responds to it, with an eye roll or body language that communicates her messages without words. She makes me laugh internally. The only one not present yesterday was Kevin, who has just left to begin college at Dayton. From time around him in Cincy, I get the feeling that college will be a good fit for him. I hope that he finds a good circle of friends, cause he seems to be one who will offer much to other guys. He seems very straighforeward and clear-cut, with no non-sense. People will appreciate that at school. He also seems to be a bit of an adventurous spirit, which always serves people well during college. I wish I'd gone in with one instead of spending four years developing one. So, all in all, the group of them is wonderful to be around and I enjoy them thoroughly. I'll look foreword to the next trip to Cincinnati.

Friday, August 26, 2005


So, the freshmen go to Taylor today. I went to bed last night and couldn't fall asleep cause I was thinking about my PA's. So, i got up and called them all. It was good to hear from them. I'm sure they'll do a wonderful job today. I'm only a little depressed.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Cruising along

So, this week has been a relatively good week. Most of this can be chalked up to the unseasonably cool and rainy weather. The first 2 days of the week were below 80 as a high and rainy. Days in the warehouse go by so much less miserably when im not sweating for 9 and a half hours straight. Also, it's been interesting this week at work becuase we hired a Peruvian woman who speaks no english. It's been great to try my best to make her feel welcomed and appreciated. My boss Marvin is from Mexico and is relatively fluent and told me she works so furiously becuase she's caught quite a bit of grief and discrimination in her past 2 jobs becuase of her ethnicity. So, needless to say, my heart immediately went out to her and am trying my best to let her know that I am happy she's working with me. It's almost gotten me to pick up my spanish vocab cards to work on my speaking ability. Eat your heart out Dr. Treber!

So, the week has pretty well cruised along relatively smoothly, which was much needed. As an added bonus, Marvin's kicking me out tomorrow at 2 and it sounds like Amy Barnett's coming to chill with me. There's even an outside chance that my sister will be down to hang out in the evening. I'm crossing my fingers.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Today at work Marvin and I were putting some stickers on books and so we were talking to pass the time also. He asked me if I'd ever been overseas. So I told him I went to the Czech Republic. He then asked quite a few questions about the experience, so much so that I found myself telling stories and remembering several things. Most importantly I brought back up all of the thoughts and feelings around Kristyna, the baby orphan that I walked around with for 2 days. Oh, my how time so easily allows things to slip into the grey area of your mind. I think and pray for Kristyna weekly, however, I haven't made myself remember everything about her and that experience for quite some time. So, it was good, but also made for a very sober and meloncholy rest of the day. To those who've had the oportunity to get outside of this country and to experience the reality of a whole other world of culture and personal experiences... remember those things. And if you're ever going to travel or do missions in any capacity, you need to write your experiences down, lest you loose 90 percent of what really happened and turn it into so happy pleasent memory or let it turn into just a chance to tell someone that you traveled somewhere. What a waste of experiences that could mean the world and change your perspective. Do all you can to remember. I remember Kristyna today. Will she be the same to me in a year as she was to me today?


Vos was up this weekend and it was another spectacular one put on by Chelsea Village Bldg 2010 Apt D. He came down and Phil loved him. I think He loved phil too... ok, that sounds pretty gay. But in the manliest sense possible, yeah, we all had a wonderful time together. I can't begin to write the thoughts and feelings of having a lifelong friend like Vos. We've pretty much known each other since we were two years old. We're the kind of friends who can live our lives and allow that to bring us close, then far apart and back together again only to pick up where we left off as if no time or space had been experienced. Vosberg is truely one of God's good blessings in my life and I hope I have the privileage to continue this relationship as life passes on.

Friday we at steak at Tony Roma's then went down to Broadripple and on to a sweet local dive called Daddy Jack's. It was pretty upscale and a terrific night to sit outside on the sidewalk and talk for a few hours. Saturday we woke up late and I fixed breakfast for everyone (I am beginning to realize how much i thoroughly enjoy cooking). We then drove around for a bit. Came home then visited the Hookah Bar again (we haven't been there since ben & april were down for the 4th). Vos loved that. Afterwards we went to a sweet Irish Pub place on 96th street near Phil's bank for dinner. The waitress was very nice and I think all three of us developed a small crush on her before the meal was finished. I think she liked me best because I ordered her suggestion from the menu (Good thing it matters since we'll never see her again in the rest of our lives). We then decided to head back to the apartment and sat out on the balcony and talked into the wee hours. Wonderful.

Sunday Vos went home and we went to church. The 20's class went very well as people started to recognize us and introduce themselves and invite us to join them. I think next week we're probably going to go to lunch with them at someone's house. It'll be a good chance for the friends list to grow, that's for sure.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Friday at work was the third day that we brought in a 73 year old retired woman to work for us. It's kind of odd... I mean, it's hot, humid, and not alot of fun to do our work for 8 hours a day, but this lady, i guess, is just really really bored and was ecstatic when we told her she could work if she wanted. Well, she's from south carolina on a cotton & tobacco farm, so she's got quite the southern drawl. She also never wears her hearing aid while working and is pretty much deaf without it, so when I go over to her table to ask her a question or tell her something she'll usually wait till i've been talking for a few seconds before she stops me and puts her hearing aid in. It's a little awkward, but hey, for whatever reason she seems to really enjoy it. So, the story... We're sitting down on break, the 4 of us who are working friday. We are all trading a bit of small talk i guess when Stella (her name is Stella) looks my way with a really puzzled look and asks, "Now Travis, do you have yourself a special girlfriend?" I laughed mostly because a 73 year old woman was interested in conversing about my romantic dating life, but also becuase of the heavy drawl with which she said it, and also becuase that's how I respond when people ask me such absurd questions. I calmed down and told her that I did not, and she said, "Well! then we're just going to have to find you that special girlfriend. I go to a little Presbyterian church downtown and I only know 2 other old ladies, but don't worry, we'll find her." And at that I laughed awkwardly and then told everyone the break was over and it was time to go back to work.

So, the moral of the story is: Don't worry about me being single for the rest of my days because the situation has been taken into the capable hands of Stella, my 73 year old southern belle temp employee.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Culinary Artists

Sunday night while Phil and I were at the grocery store buying food for the week (it was a pretty good time as it was because Phil got his first paycheck and we began to buy some less vital things that cost some money but will last a long time like spices and stuff...) we decided that one night this week we would do a little group cooking and make some sweet Italian meal. Well, as we were thinking we decided we were gonna get a little crazy and try something we'd never really heard of or had a recipe for. Citrus Pasta was in the works... There was chicken, vegetables, fruit, and pasta. That's all the more specific I am at liberty to get at this point. We told a few people including Phil's mom and a few ladies who work at the bank with him. Everyone seemed to be a bit excited to see if we could pull it off, or if it would simply turn into something to fill the bottom of the trash can with. So, last night was the night. We both went home from work and right into the kitchen. About an hour or so later we were pretty sure that what we'd made looked spectacular, but we were yet to try it. We did up the dining room nice, with the table cloth and a glass of white wine, silver wear and napkins along with a few candles; Rosie Thomas as background music... After we prayed that God would guard our stomachs for this adventure in the works we promised that we wouldn't say anything or pass judgment for 5 bites. And the eating began. Oh! It was so so good! In fact, it was better than I think either of us had planned on it being. Our citrus pasta was entrancing. Complex to the pallet because of all the different ingredients in it, there was something different about each bite. It was also nice and sweet, but not like a candy where it got to be too much after a bit. The presentation was good with all of the different colored fruit and vegetables over the bowtie pasta. So, in conclusion, if you come visit us, there's a good chance we could break out the secret recipe and let you try it for yourself. Citrus Pasta... MMM MMM.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


'Their deaths don't make headlines. Only their parents remember their names.' This was the ending sentance from an article about the 'Hungry season' in Niger. Every year there is a stretch of time between when crops are planted and when they are harvested that food supplies are generally stretched past their limits. However, since there was a severe drought for the past year, the hungry season has basically been going on since last year's planting. Various aid groups and such are attempting to make it into the small towns across the country to find the worst cases (mainly children) in order to get them immediate attention or take them to the closes hospitals. Unfortunately it's becoming almost impossible to do this becuase everyone in the villages turns out becuase they know there will be free food and medicine there, so there are so many people that it's not worth trying to screen the extremely malnourished from the boarderline healthy. If they did, there would be riots. And so thousands of children have died because of a food shortage and thousands more will continue to die. I thought this last sentance was very appropriate becuase it was simple, pessimistic and extremely depressing. That's exactly what this situation is. Simple. People dont have enough food to keep their bodies functioning. Pessimistic. Noone cares, not even enough for there to be any real world attention to it. Depressing. These little lives are being snuffed out and the only ones who will care are the parents of dead child.

'Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.' A wretch. Yes, that is me. Today I am a wretch not because I dont love God or because I take God for granted or because I lack the discipline or devotion that should be the response of a real sinner saved by grace. Becuase of the presence of those realities in my life daily, I will call myself simply a sinner today. But today I will call myself a WRETCH because I will go home from work today and sit down and stare at my refrigerator and try to decide what I feel like eating. Or, better yet, I will go out with a couple of friends and order something on the menu that sounds good. Niger will be a million miles away in my mind and I wont care (not enough for there to be real change in my actions or activities). It is only a truely sick, wretched person who, when enlightened and confronted with such indisputably wrong and unfair realities, turns away and continues the imbalance of such a scale.
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