So, about a month and a half ago I planned this really sweet day. I bought cubs tickets for april 12th. It was an afternoon game against the Padres. I talked Darla into going with me and the tickets i got were 9 rows off the field on the third base side. It was gonna be awesome. Seriously, I couldn't wait to pull off this really great day. Well, today was that day and it was not cool. In fact, it pretty much was a total wash (in more ways than one). Picked up Darla at 730 this morning and we headed to chicago. When we got to the park it was raining and i was pretty doubtful that we'd get the game in. Well, when we got to the ticket booth, it was already cancelled and they weren't letting anyone in. So, not only did we not get to see the game, but i coudln't even take her into Wrigley to let her see the place. We got back in the car 40 minutes after we got out of it and just headed back home in the rain. I was pretty dissapointed and frustrated. Being out the money and the day was bad, but I was stoked to get to show her this really great day with really great seats and all that stuff and it really didn't happen. I know she doesn't mind and was really cool about driving to chicago to pretty much just eat taco bell and turn around and go, but I think if I'd gotten to take her to the game and stuff that she would have had a really stellar day... So, yeah, dissapointed, REALLY dissapointed. But, life goes on, right? Just dont talk to me about rain right now, cause we've got issues.
I went to Pittsburg this weekend. a couple of wierd stories about that, but it'll have to be later.
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
I love droughts...
always have...
still do...
sorry Yoder:(
But, look on the bright side: we had a sweet parking spot...for 30 bucks...
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