So, one of my Lighthouse students emailed me last night asking me what some of my favorite music of the semester has been. I responded with this and thought I should turn it into a blog post.
(Anonymous Student)-
First, let me apologize for the fact that I've just received this email while working at the Jumping Bean for the afternoon with little business and no work to do. Thus, I've got nothing but time to respond to this question I'm sure was asked, expecting a short response. So, here we go.
Let's start with individual songs thus far in the semester:
(Song Title - Artist)
Dear Prudence - The Beatles
Sissyneck - Beck
Lost! & Violet Hill - Coldplay
Medication - Damien Jurado
Dogs 0 Damien Rice
Marching Bands of Manhatten - Death Cab for Cutie
O Valencia! - The Decembrists
The Blood - The Frames
Wake me up when September Ends - Green Day
One Man Wrecking Machine & Keep It Together - Guster
Weary Memory - Iron & Wine
Wrong Turn & If I Could - Jack Johnson
New York Not My Home - Jim Croce
Gravity - John Mayer
Folsom Prison Blues - Johnny Cash
Under the Weather - KT Tunstall
Grace Kelly - MIKA
Missed the Boat - Modest Mouse
The Long Day is Over - Norah Jones
Right on Time - O.A.R.
Drunkard's Prayer - Over the Rhine
New Shoes - Paolo Nutini
Hang on Little Tomato - Pink Martini
Summer in the City - Regina Spektor
October - Rosie Thomas
English Girls Approximately & Avalanche - Ryan Adams
Those to Come - The Shins
Heart - Stars
Romulus - Sufjan Stevens
This is My Story, This is My Song - Thelonious Monk
Ball & Biscuit - The White Stripes
Either Way - Wilco
Warrior - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
(Artist - Album Title)
Anathallo - Hymns
The Beatles - White Album (Disk 1&2)
Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Damien Jurado - Ghost of David
Explosions in the Sky - The Earth is not a Cold Dead Place
Format - Interventions & Lullabies
Guster - Ganging Up On the Sun
Iron & Wine - Our Endless Numbered Days
The Killers - Hot Fuss
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Modest Mouse - Good News for People who Love Bad News
The Postal Service - Give Up
Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope
The Shins - Chutes too Narrow
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
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