Today is February 1st. It's the unofficial opening of fantasy baseball season (ie: im making today that day). Homework starts today. Ends on draft day. BOOYEAH!
PS: I know this is not the post several people wanted, but rest assured, as soon as our internet connection works at home, then i'll post about real things.
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
hi phil. how are you doing?
Phil, sounds like you are busy. Tricking parents into entrusting their kids to you is something I have to do on a day to day basis. If you smile a lot and call them by Sir or Mr. or Mrs. it usually helps.
I had a busy day yesterday as well. Our elders meeting went almost 3 1/2 hours. Sheeseh! I also got an x-box recently, which of course is taking up some of my time.
Do let me know how your lacrosse meeting goes.
daily i am reminded of yoders lack of ability to upgrade. you are truly in my thoughts and prayers.
anyhow, the XBox family is treating me well. As of this moment, the only game i have tiger woods golf 2006, but have plans(hopefully by this weekend) to purchase the much anticipated Call of Duty 2, which i believe would be well worth the live update for this game alone. Any other suggestions?
today i spent the morning working on a few up-and-coming events. then, had lunch with tyson (fellow pastor) and now am at a coffee shop working on my lesson for wednesday. i'm so trendy and hip.
well, hope you are having fun "working" today. do let me know your thoughts on any other must have games.
yes, tiger woods is addicting. last night i was just going to play 9 holes, but after 9 i was 2 under par, and of course i couldn't quit then, so i played another 9 and finished at 6 over. obviously i didn't want my day to end like that, so i ended up playing another 9. this XBox may be the end of me, much like this blog has become the end of yoders thoughts.
for lunch i had leftovers as well. last night tyson's wife made him this taco casserole dish for his birthday, so we finished it off today. and boy was it delicious.
as for myself, i did make a tatertot casserole last week which turned out better than i could have ever imagined. i'll send you the recipe sometime.
question, i'm trying to decide what to wear tomorrow. i'd like to wear jeans, but i can't decide if i should go with a polo top, or button-up. what do you think?
thanks phil, i can always count on you to be honest and give great advice, just like i can always count on yoder not blogging anymore. i'm sorry to hear of your persecution. girls can be so mean sometimes. will they ever realize that through our chiseled abs, bulging biceps, and stunning facial features, we too have feelings that can be hurt.
with that said, i will be wearing a short sleeve button up, and will wear it well mind you.
also, just curious, but have you ever used a paper shredder before? I recently purchased one up at my local walmart retailer and have throughly enjoyed it. you know, with the world we live in, you can never be too cautious.
a super duper shredder? wow, i wish i could see that. maybe someday.
congrats on a job well done last night. i've always known you'd be able to win over the parent-folk ever since i saw you in action with the waitresses at applebees. you are one smooth talker. next meeting you should splurge and get ice cream for everyone.
i've given much thought to your whistle situation. choosing a whistle isn't something that should be done lightly. there are a variety of factors that need to be weighed. first, ask yourself, what is more important, look, or sound. if look is what you are going for, plastic is the way to go. if sound, metel will be your material of choice. another question you must ask is how will your lips react to each. i must say, on a cold day metel can send chills through out your body. But, when it is all said and done, i'd personally go with metel, but splurge and add a rubber encasing. that way, you got the comfort, the style, and the sound.
well, i've got to get some work done now. i'm teaching for youth group tonight. got any ideas on what i should talk about?
phil, you bring up some interesting points. I am reminded of the words of the great american poet, zoolander. he says, "models have feelings too, even ones that are really really incredibly good looking."
you're right, why has the church overlooked the TRULY beauitful, much in the same way that yoder has overlooked posting on this blog. this is a message that must be heard. i just hope it isn't too late.
you see, i have a dream. i have a dream that one day, all churches will reach out to those, like you and me, whose inner beauty is suprassed by nothing else in this world except our outer beauty. i have a dream that one day we too would know the comforts of a messaged tailored to our needs. i have a dream, that one day yoder would rise up from his self and girlfriend absorbtion and once again post on this blog. i have a dream that today when i go home and play tiger woods golf i will shoot 9 under par, i have a dream that a big ice cream cookie would magically appear in my desk drawer when i open it. i have a dream that...oh, sorry, got a little carried away. anyways, good idea.
have you ever given thought to the priesthood my dear friend?
ah yes my dear friend. truer words have never been spoken upon except the words spoken upon that were truer words than thy words upon which you have just spoken.
but then again, what is truth. are we to take those imprinted markings on the egg cartridges at face value? i mean, who put them there and for what purpose? for our safety you say? that’s what they'd like you to believe. but how do they know when they will expire and when they won't and who are they even to say what expiration is and what isn't. it's all relative my dear friend, all relative. what may be expired to you may be new and fresh to me.
you have left me with much to ponder about oh friend of friends. but now, i must depart, much like the postings of yoder have departed from this blog.
Courtney, can you truly be commenting on Noah's spelling errors when you have such glaring ones of your own? I mean, "increadibly"?
fill, you our absolutely write. it sickens me to see these remarks written hear. we must stop them, just as yoder has stopped writing on this blog.
and again, who makes the rules of what spelling is correct and what isn't. who you ask? i'll tell you. al gore. sure, he invented such things as words and letters and spelling, but why should we listen to him anyway. didn't he lose the biggest election there is? so doesn't that make him the biggest loser he could possibly be?
and again it all comes back to relativity. what is an ok spelling for you may not be okay for me and vice versa. spelling is postmodern and we must learn to embrace this, much in the same way yoder USED to embrace this blog.
I posted. In the immortal words of me.... 'Get over yourselves'.
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