Today was a pretty good day, if I do say so myself. Work went pretty smoothly and I think I am beginning to get into a bit of a routine with it. The kids I work with are pretty good kids for the most part too. It'll be different when they go back to school and I work with adults all day though, im sure.
Highlight of the day: I was grabbing dinner at Jimmy John's ( a local sub shop just down the corner on 86 & township line) and the girl taking my order had a peculiar exchange with me. I walked in the door and a girl behind the counter a ways made eye contact with me and smiled really big. I walked up and asked if I could have a #1. She said 'I don't know, can you?' with a little smirk on her face. Being my normal self, I realize that she's making one of the most annoying jokes that there can be, and so mentally, I am rolling my eyes and thinking, "oh come on already, just give me my sandwich." So I come back with something very exasperating like, "well, I would like to ORDER a #1 please, if that's alright with you." And then there was a pause and she just stared at me for a moment. It was long enough that I noticed it and started to feel awkward. So, I looked at her and she was staring at me again and started to giggle a bit. Then she said, 'sure! I'd be happy to make one for you.' And made my sandwich. I stood there at the counter waiting and after she put on every piece of my sandwich she would look over at me, as if looking for my approval. It was kinda wierd and I didn't know what was going on really. When she was finished she came over to ring the order up. She asked if I wanted chips and a drink and I said no. She then asked right away if I wanted a pickle. This caught me off guard cause I didn't remember being asked that before. She said there were left over ones from this afternoon. I turned it down politely. As she was ringing me up she looked at my hand (which has the word 'darts' written on it cause I wanted to remind myself to buy darts for work tomorrow.) "DOES YOUR HAND SAY DARTS?!" She says this in a rather shrill tone that kind of startled me because before then we were sort of talking in our 6 inch voices just across the counter. Im not gonna lie, at this point I was a little frightened, cause I couldn't figure out where this could possibly be leading... In a rather timid voice I answered, 'yes. It's just a reminder for me to pick some up tonite.' She then proceeded to tell me that she and her brother play darts periodically and that she loves them and that he made up a rule that if you miss the board all three times you get to go again. In an attempt to be funny and to not display how awkward I was feeling, I came back with ' so does that rule help out you or your brother more?' and she giggled and said she thinks it helps her out more. After she stopped laughing we kind of stood there and looked at each other. So, I started to turn away and said, 'OK, have a good night." As I walked out the door she sort of projected, "OK, I'll talk to you later...". I thought that was a wierd parting word. Then, as I was walking to my car, I sort of put it together that I think she was hitting on me. Or, maybe at least flirting a bit. I smiled, and felt pretty good about the whole situation. So good that I almost turned around and totally just put myself out there by asking her if she would want to do something with me some weekend. Thankfully, I was in the car driving away when I decided that wouldn't have been the worst decision I could have made...
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
hey yoder...congratulations! being hit on always boosts your self conficence! i'm in venezuela on a mission trip, and i thought i'd see what was going on in sounds like it's going good. we are all playng games and i got out so i got on the internet quick. i have to go and i'll talk to you later...vaya con dios!
taylordad10 -
Wow! Two hits in just a couple of days! First Workwear and now Jimmy's. Must be your new cologne!!!
Your mom will be thrilled! Were either one the kind of girl that you would bring home to mom???
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