And Tuesday has come and gone already. The last few days, to tell the truth, have kind of rolled by without much to get excited about. Phil and I are restless. The banks is taking it's sweet time getting their act together to let him know about the job. I think I should call them up and tell them to hurry the heck up cause people kinda have their lives on hold for this. So, he seems restless for good reason. I'm not sure why I've been so restless the last few days. Work's been alright. My boss seems very anxious and apprehensive about things this week. I'm sure it's just a bit of impatience, but it still kind of makes it hard for me to know what exactly I can (or am supposed to do) to ease his mind. I dont like prolonged tension, so hopefully things will calm down for him soon, cause I don't think there's much I can do for him about it. I went to the coffee shop tonite to read for the first time, as planned. It was kinda nice to not sit on the couch and do the same thing we've done every week night for the past 3 weeks. Two girls were having a little bible study in there. I kinda wanted to walk over and start talking to them, but then I decided that would probably be kinda creepy. I'm reading Animal Farm. I'm 2/3rds the way through it and am enjoying it. In fact, I think that this will be the book I will refer people to from now on when they insist that they know about communism/socialism and assume I'm full of crap when I talk about it. It does a good job of showing where Marxism(the root of real communism) parts ways with Eastern European 'communism' (the root of every westerner's misconception of real communism). So, yeah, it's good.
Phil and I planned to go to College Park Church on Sunday. We got all excited because we decided to go to Sunday school as well and attempt to make friends again. Got online and found out what class and when it met and stuff... Sunday morning we got up and left and realized that we had a little miscommunication about where the place was and we found ourselves at an intersection with a gas station and not much else. Luckily we stumbled upon it right at 9:30 (start time). We went in and asked someone at the guest table where the class met and our hearts sunk when they informed us that that particular class met in a separate building about a mile down the road. Man! We weren't gonna be the newcomers who walk in 10 minutes late, so we just walked into the church service and left afterwards. It was a pretty big letdown. Hopefully next week we'll get it all figured out. Cause I know right now I'm craving some friendship. Not even friendship; just the potential or possibility of friendship... So, yeah, feeling a little lonely. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
*on a brighter note, Phil and I met for lunch today and discovered that the Skyline Chili right by us has 'all you can eat chili' every tuesday. Good news for us, bad news for them....
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
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