Shorb made fun of me for not writing in a month. So, here it is... In the last four weeks a whole lot has happened. Here are the short highlghts:
I got a job
I got an appartment and a roommate
I am finished with my senior thesis and presentation
I will graduate in 5 days
It's final's week
I am in the process of figuring out how to say goodbye to so many people
Needless to say, it's getting a little sentimental here....
It may be a week or so before i write again because of all that's going on these few last days.
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
maybe i can help you when i comes to daying goodbye to so many writing!!
To have so many to say goodbye to is a good thing. It meant that you touched many lives and that many lives touched yours. You are not alone but surrounded by that community that you have always cherished.
It won't be long that the new job begins. A new city will be there to explore. A new church will be in the hunting. New friends will be there waiting and old friends will be nearby.
Now maybe you can feel the emotion that I had, first when you left for school and I couldn't see you every day, second when Tracy left us too and we were completely alone without the major responsibilities God gave us (raising and taking care of you two), and third when you will leave us again to start your life in Indy next week.
I hunger for the days when you would get off the bus or drive into the driveway every day where I could see you, listen to you, and talk to you. How I miss those days and remember those days. But God didn't give you to us to keep you. He just gave you to us to help raise to the best of our ability and love endlessly.
I love you endlessly. Talk to you tomorrow.
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