Well, it's Tuesday, December 28th, 2004. Im starting a blog. Sounds pretty trendy to me but whatever...
First, i'd like to thank Nate Shorb (the originator of the trend for so many both before and after me, im sure. Shorb, we all aspire to be as cool as you.) Also, thank you to my sister Tracy who will, no doubt, be an influencial contributor to my thoughts on occasion. Amy Barnett will, most likely, provoke me to various soapboxes as well from time to time.
On that note, let me thank Phil Daubenmire & Noah Zapf (possible ohio roommates), Darla Stults, Sharon Nye, Jesse Kahler, Jake Wilson, Tim Mahan, Eric Bland, Chris Horst, The Snake, 007, Greg Wilson, Bleu, Sarah Bonness, Neville Kiser, Dave Blomgren, Drew Rundus, 'Disko' Stephen Becker, Roshana Leaman, Kelly Moselle, Dave Kirkpatrick, Linda Brate, Scott Swinburne, Justin Heth, Dave Haller, Nate Su, Kurt Brodbeck, Adam Hanna, Tim Taylor, and all the rest at Taylor University who've played key roles in so many discussions and debates through late nights and lots of coffee.
The greater Warsaw community, though at time's regretable, has participated in my personal experience, thus they contribute to my thoughts now as well. So, thank you Tim Vosberg, Aaron Nieter, Toby Schrecengost, Maha Ibrahim, Ryan Dill, Hillary Barlow, Kelsi Foreman, Brian Johnson, Tim Wright, Matt Miles, Lindsay Hollinger, Kelly Holbrook, Jessica Ryssemus, Andy Lewis, Paula Bowman, Winona Lake Grace Brethern Church, Warsaw Community Schools, Courthouse Coffee Shoppe, Warsaw Racquet Club, and Owen's Grocery Store.
I'd like to say a special thanks to those professional educators in my life who've inspired me to learn and grow through the use of my mind as something other than a source of monetary return, personal indulgence, or conformity. Mrs. Paxton (3rd grade teacher), Ms. Harris (7th grade english), Miss Williams (9th grade Honors Geometry), Mr. Yoder (High School Physics), Mr. Rhodes (High School Algebra II & Pre-Calculus), Mr. Grose (High School Government), Dr. Spiegal (Philosophy Prof.), Dr. Bird (Sociology Professor), Dr. Jessup ( Sociology Prof.), Dr. Corduin ( Philosophy Prof.), and Dr. Davis ( Physics Prof.): Thank you each sincerely from the bottom of my heart. The impact you've each had on me, as educators, has mentally equipped me to live life in such a way that it cannot be worthless. Forever my gratitude to you.
A big, big, big thanks to my parents, Rod & Lola. You have probably had the biggest impact on who i am today. Wow... How do you thank two people for investing 20 some years of their lives into you? The thought humbles me. Forgive me for being trite, but I love you both very much.
And, finally, wrapping this up, I'll thank a few of the most influencial mortal thinkers and writers that come to mind. Well, since it's me, would this list really start off right with anyone other than Karl Marx? Haha, thank you Karl, I respect your thoughts & your sociology. Thank you Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, Jurgen Habermas, Jean Baudrillard, George Ritzer, F. Scott, Fitzgerald, J.D. Salinger, Ernest Hemingway, Walt Witman, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Rene Descartes, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Fredrick Nietche, Dostoyevsky, J.S. Mill, Thomas Jefferson, William Shakespeare, and last, but should probably be first, the apostle Paul.
May what follows be edifying to you in some way.
Staying on the Cross
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
Wow Travis i think you forgot the academy... haha. anyhow, i don't think i'm gonna tell you who i am, let you sweat a little bit. but here's a hint, don't read my blogs too carefully or i'll definately get a fine.
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